Company name (Legal) or organisation name
Please type how it should be typed e.g. with registered symbol, all upper case, all one word, etc. Include all abbreviations such as Ltd, Inc., LLC., Gmbh or any other.
Company name (Trading) or alternative organisation name
Please type how it should be typed e.g. with registered symbol, all upper case, all one word, etc
Tell us a bit about your company
Please describe your company/organisation in a few sentences.
E.g. services offered, motivation for starting the company, vision, mission statement, culture, personality, reputation etc.
What sets your company apart from others in your industry?
Unique selling proposition (USP), unique value proposition (UVP), competitive advantage, or strengths.
Who are your clients? Who is your target market?
This should include all applicable demographics. Income, interests, gender, age, even type of computer they use, e.g. old with dialup account or newer with broadband. If your website is a business-to-business site, what sort of companies are you hoping to attract?
Target (geography)
– Local (town / city)
– National (Country)
– International
– what type of computer devices they use? iPhone/Android, Macs, iPads, multiple displays on Windows desktops etc.
– technical skill level