Book Online Wimbledon Trial


We would love you to try our new online booking system. It is currently in a trial period and is only available for our Wimbledon salon.

To register for online booking you will need both a valid email address and a mobile number.

Click on the link below and follow the online instructions. Remember this is currently for our Wimbledon salon only. Once we know everything is working we will be making this available for all of our salons.


book online Wimbledon


You will need to register the first time you use the system, this will only takes a minute. You can then log in and make your appointment.

We have been researching the best way to introduce online booking for our salons for many years. In truth there isn’t a system out there that is as intuitive as we would ideally like but we have worked for the past two years to try and make this as easy as possible.

I would be grateful if you could give us any feedback on your experience of online booking. You can email me at

Give this a try and let us know how you get on.

See you in the salon soon :-)